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Bills Agency

The value of your loved ones can't be measured in dollars, but a life insurance policy can help to safeguard their future.

Our services

What Can We Do?


Term Life Insurance

policy that provides coverage for a certain period of time or a specified "term" of years.


Whole Life Insurance

 a type of permanent life insurance, which means the insured person is covered for the duration of their life as long as premiums are paid on time.

Final Expense Life Insurance

How much coverage is enough? Make sure your family is protected with enough coverage to provide for them when you are gone.

Life Insurance

Life insurance that not only pays when you die, but also pays in the event of critical, chronic, and terminal health conditions.

Childrens Plans

The birth of a child brings immeasurable joy to parents. But it is essential to plan wisely for his/her future expenses.


Mortgage Protection

Designed to cover your mortgage in the event of death, disability, or critical illnesses.


Why Us!

determine what type of plan fits your individual needs and your budget

My job is to help you determine what type of plan fits your individual needs and your budget.  I will be asking you medical questions to see what you qualify for and to educate you on the plan I would recommend for you.  If we both agree that you need coverage and the plan fits within your budget, we will send up an application together to see if you qualify, and that is up to the carrier.  It takes about 15 minutes to go over your options.

Michelle Bills

I am a field underwriter with Symmetry Financial Group

~Which means I am independent, so I can look around at different carriers to find your coverage.  Being independent means that I work for my clients and they know that they can call me anytime about the protection they get for themselves and their family.

 I have been married 19 years to a veteran who is an artist and has a law degree (what a combination) and we have one son who has Special Needs and is amazing.  I graduated from the University of Houston.

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Licensed insurance agent

Michelle Bills

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